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UVDB Powered by Achilles Verify Audit

An independent audit of an organisation’s Safety, Health, Environment, Quality (SHEQ) management systems and sustainability

two construction workers wearing safety vests and hard hats

Gain a competitive edge

Demonstrating your commitment to exceeding best practices.

Comprehensive annual audit process with practical guidance and feedback from an Achilles auditor

Data collection validation icon

A demonstration of your capabilities to key clients within the sector

rosette icon

Credibility and recognition in the market place

Business process efficiency improve icon

Designed by the industry for the industry supporting continual improvement.

Something for every business

A category that is applicable to you

There are different UVDB Verify categories tailored to the requirements of different types of organisations, depending on the risk profile your company poses to the buying organisation.

UVDB Verify Category A Audit
UVDB Verify Category B1 Audit
UVDB Verify Category B2 Audit
UVDB Verify Category C Audit
UVDB Verify Category D Audit

A desktop audit that is to be used for high risk small suppliers who are typically working under supervision, under local set to work rules or have a permit to work on a site that remains under the control of the utility. Additionally, these sites could be domestic properties on which the utility is subcontracting the works. The utility maintains control of the working site/ environment for the duration of the works


A one day audit for high risk medium sized suppliers providing works or services into the utilities sector. The audit will be split into two parts; a half day Management Systems Evaluation (office based) and a half day site based assessment. This is for contractors or suppliers who work or provide services on operational sites owned, managed or controlled by a utility.


A two day audit for high risk large suppliers providing works or services into the utilities sector. The audit will be split into two parts; a one day Management Systems Evaluation (office based) and a one day site based assessment. This is for contractors or suppliers who work or provide services on operational sites owned, managed or controlled by a utility.


A one day management systems audit for all high risk suppliers who provide consultancy or design type services to the utilities sector. Suppliers can provide their services on operational sites/or working on behalf of a utility, as long as the activity does not involve physical site based construction type activities. If operational site based work is required, a Category B audit should be selected.


A two day audit for those high risk suppliers whose services include Manufacturing, Fabrication, Servicing of products that are being provided to the utilities sector that will be incorporated into the utilities assets or operational/generation plant. This will also apply to Stockists and Distributors providing imported products to the utilities sector that will be incorporated into the utilities assets or operational/ generation plant.


What I need to know when I have an audit booked

How to Prepare


Prior to your audit, you will be sent a UVDB Verify content document for both the office and, if appropriate, on-site elements of the audit. It is important you read through this document thoroughly as it provides an indication of the assessment content that the auditor will cover throughout the day. Reading this document in advance allows you to better prepare for the audit and outlines all of the necessary documentation you need to collect in advance, saving time on the day. For the on-site visit, you need to ensure that there will be work in progress by your operatives during the assessment.

You must also ensure you have all your SHEQ and sustainability documentation, and staff resources available, whether internal or by consultation. Involving them in assembling the required information in advance can make a substantial difference to the assessment result.

What to expect on the day

All UVDB Verify auditors have been trained to approach the audit process in an open and friendly partnership style, and to give your organisation feedback. We encourage you to raise issues and ask questions throughout the assessment process to benefit from the day as much as possible.

Office Visit

During the audit, the auditor will record his or her findings in a report template. The size and complexity of document management systems varies greatly across organisations. Therefore, the time taken to undertake this part of the process will depend heavily on the amount of material to review. The office visit is expected to last between 6 and 8.5 hours.

Site Visit

The auditor will carry out a tour of the work on-site, including viewing the equipment, materials, and welfare facilities in use. They will also want to interview a number of operatives. The audit will be completed by viewing any additional records that relate to the activities on-site and any environmental considerations. The visit is expected to last between 3.5 and 6.5 hours.

What about the results?

The audit report, once approved, is published online for authorised buyers to view. The existence of an audit can also be used by buyers as a criteria to filter or refine search results.
  • Executive summary
  • Findings: Critical non-compliance, Major non-compliance, Minor non-compliance, Observations, Positive elements, Questionnaire discrepancies
  • Detailed scores, responses and evidence
  • Scores/status for each discipline and section areas

More questions about your audit?

Enquire about booking your UVDB Audit