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Utilities industry extends 20-year relationship with Achilles

Utilities industry extends 20-year relationship with Achilles

26 Jun 2014

Global supplier information firm Achilles has cemented its reputation as the world‟s leading provider of supplier pre-qualification, audit and compliance services for the utilities industry, after securing a renewal of the contract to independently manage these functions for all the main companies in the UK.

Achilles has operated the Utilities supplier pre-qualification system UVDB in the UK for the last 20 years, working on behalf of the principal Utilities buying organisations to independently risk-assess more than 10,000 suppliers, carry out comprehensive audits and help businesses comply with EU regulations. UVDB is now the biggest buyer and supplier community in Europe.

After a full market review, the steering group*, comprising representatives from over 40 companies including EDF Energy, Northern Powergrid, Scottish Power, SSE, Wales and West Utilities, Western Power Distribution and UK Power Networks, agreed that Achilles’ solution performed best in terms of effectiveness, global reach and value for money. Achilles will now continue to run the service for a further minimum period of five years.

Adrian Chamberlain, Chief Executive of Achilles, said: “It is a real honour that after a full market appraisal, the UK‟s biggest utilities companies have extended their 20-year working relationship with Achilles.

“Working together, Achilles and the utilities industry have seen significant increases in business critical areas, such as health and safety, compliance, corporate social responsibility and we are proud this has been recognised.

“However, we are by no means complacent and part of the continuous improvement of the service, we have pledged a series of additional innovations to further enhance user experience for buyers and suppliers. We look forward to working with the community to implement these improvements over the coming months.”

In total, Achilles now manages 19 pre-qualification communities for the utilities industry across the world, working on behalf of 189 buying organisations to manage the pre-qualification activities of more than 39,000 suppliers.

Across all the communities, Achilles provides a managed service including a technology platform to collect information from suppliers, validate the data, and publish information to buying organisations in a way that is compliant with procurement rules in each country. Users can also access additional services such as on-site safety, health and environmental audits, advisory services and site-specific information and an advertising platform for ‘call for competition’ notices, and award announcements.

* The UVDB steering group includes representatives of Affinity Water Limited, Anglian Water, Bristol Water, Canal & River Trust, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, EDF Energy, Electricity North West, Magnox Ltd, Northern Irelands Electricity Ltd, Northern Powergrid Ltd, Northumbrian Water Ltd, Northern Gas Networks Ltd, Portsmouth Water Ltd, Scottish Water Business Stream Ltd, Severn Trent, South East Water Ltd, South Staffordshire Water, South West Water Ltd, SSE plc, Statoil, Thames Water, UK Power Networks, Wales & West Utilities Ltd and Water Ltd.

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