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New Platform Heralds Bright Future for UK Utilities

New Platform Heralds Bright Future for UK Utilities

22 Nov 2012

Achilles, a global business leader in supply chain management, has announced that the UK utilities community, UVDB, has moved to a new platform for supplier pre-qualification.

The move has been supported and delivered with the help and commitment of the UVDB Steering Group, comprising representatives from utilities organisations, including National Grid, Wales and West Utilities, SSE, Scottish Power, EDF Energy and Western Power Distribution, working with Achilles.

Hosted by Achilles, the new platform will help to enhance the positioning of the UVDB and deliver the highest levels of professional procurement. The new platform will help the community broaden its supply chains, reduce costs associated with time and administration and help ensure the UK’s utility organisations have access to tender opportunities that effectively match their capabilities.

The new platform has gone live to suppliers and buyer organisation, and has been fully operational since 19 November 2012. The new platform provides a number of enhanced features designed to make pre-qualification easier, keep information up-to-date, and save time and effort for both suppliers and buyers in order to ensure they maximise business opportunities.

Chairman of the UVDB Steering Group, Ian Bartle, Northern Powergrid explained the importance of the new platform to the community:

“The new platform will help to position the UVDB for the future and to ensure we continue to deliver the highest levels of professional procurement. The new platform offers a key differentiator for our community and is seen as the right way to propel us forward. The new platform is not simply about technology – it is a way to manage risk and improve procurement processes on a global stage – helping companies in the sector to hone and refine their approach.”

Philip Foster, Director of Utilities, at Achilles added:

“Global supply chains are the future. The new platform for UVDB will help the community to broaden its supply chains, to take full advantage of global procurement opportunities. Supplier pre-qualification is key to any successful procurement event so the modern, intuitive and user friendly approach of the new platform can deliver tangible business benefits for our members.

“In addition, the new platform ensures the community can cost effectively manage risk across their own supply chains and comply with key industry legislation and practices.”

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