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The Value of Carbon Reporting

The Value of Carbon Reporting

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)

SECR is new legislation introduced by the UK Government in April 2019, replacing the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) scheme. The scheme mandates requirements for energy and carbon emissions reporting, putting more responsibility on organisations to choose how they measure and report their emissions.

Who needs to comply?

Over 11,900 UK organisations need to comply with SECR regulations, many of which are large unquoted companies that haven’t previously reported on their carbon emissions. The total amount of greenhouse gasses produced directly and indirectly by human activities, usually measured over a 12 month period, are expressed in carbon dioxide equivalents or CO2e against the GHG Protocol and ISO14064 Standard.

They will generally include, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Transport
  • Waste
  • Electricity
  • Recycling
  • Gas
  • Fuel

Act now

Five key steps to achieving certification, is an annual cycle and each inventory will help keep you on a journey of continual reduction.

  • Measure your greenhouse gas emissions
  • Manage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at source
  • Verify your inventory
  • Mitigate your carbon footprint (Optional)
  • Market your climate change actions with confidence

Complete the form below and watch our on-demand webinar to learn how to prepare for your Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Inventory and Carbon Reduction audit.

Watch the webinar

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