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Sustainable economic growth through climate-related financial disclosures

Sustainable economic growth through climate-related financial disclosures

Key takeaways from our economic growth and environmental sustainability webinar

Climate change may be seen by some as a gradual process, but the risks are wholly relevant to decisions we make today. Businesses who focus on improving environmentally sustainable technologies, the tracking of emissions, environmental reporting and climate-related financial disclosures can have a positive impact on business models and profitability.

During our economic growth and environmental sustainability webinar, Greg Chant-Hall, Director at Square Gain and David Riley, Head of Carbon Neutrality at Anglian Water discussed financially sustainable supply chains through the application of climate related financial disclosures and the Achilles CarbonReduce programme.

A case for economic growth and investment

How successfully your organisation manages climate-related risk could be the difference between securing investment and your competitor securing it instead.

According to Greg Chant-Hall, Director at Square Gain, “You may be racing against competitors. Investors may be looking at the choice between investing in your company against another company, so it’s important to show what you’re doing and how you’re managing these risks and improving performance around the metrics aligned with the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).”

33% of webinar attendees stated  they are not disclosing on climate related risk within their organisation, while 39% were unsure. This creates level of uncertainty in your business that investors might not want to take a risk with.

“It’s vital to work with your supply chain and go on this journey together”, said Greg.

Align your carbon intentions with your business intentions

Creating  sustainable supply chains starts with understanding the critical issues that face your business and applying long term sustainable development goals appropriately, turning the impact of climate change into a driver for positive operational change.

Anglian Water demonstrate this well, as they showcase a £2m per annum ‘Energy Initiative’ saving through their energy focused framework, as well as reducing operational costs by £18m per annum through renewable energy generation.

“We’ve been proud participants of Carbon Reduce for over 10 years”, said David, “I personally see this as a really important process we go through that illustrates to our investors, our customers, and other stakeholder groups that we have a credible strategy in place and that we’ve got consistent year on year reductions in Carbon.”

Learn more by watching the webinar

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