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Cross industry contract opportunities for oil and gas suppliers

Cross industry contract opportunities for oil and gas suppliers

The Oil and Gas industry in the UKCS is in recovery mode, however overall spend is still below its 2014 peak.

“Total expenditure on the UKCS fell by almost £5 billion in 2015 from £26.6 billion to £21.7 billion, in spite of an increase in production of 10.4 per cent.” explains Oil and Gas UK in their 2016 economic report.

So now more than ever, to help balance out the peaks and troughs of the oil & gas industry, suppliers are looking to expand their business into other sectors such as utilities where billions of pounds of opportunities await.

Where to find these opportunities

Thousands of utility and public-sector contracts are published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) but do you have time to trawl through hundreds of pages to find the right opportunity?

Approximately 160,000 invitations to tender are published each year, of which more than 14,000 are from the UK or Ireland. Achilles NOTiCE service provides details of these opportunities, tailored to match your company’s capabilities, straight to your inbox for up to 10 people within your organisation.

You will also gain access to a database through your Achilles FPAL registration where you can search through these thousands of contracts and gain marketing intelligence on past awarded contracts relevant to your business. This opens up sub-contract opportunities for smaller suppliers that may not be able to bid for very large contracts.

There is still an estimated £19 billion expenditure in the UKCS in 2017, including £2 billion in decommissioning, but NOTiCE can help with an insight into areas of work that you may not have considered in the past.

Find out more

To find out more about the Achilles NOTiCE service and join the many FPAL suppliers that already use NOTiCE, contact our customer support team on +44 (0)1224 337533 or email

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