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A Resource for COVID-19 and Business Continuity Planning

A Resource for COVID-19 and Business Continuity Planning

Date: 11 June 2020  |  Time to read: 10 mins

There is no mistaking that COVID-19 has been a testing time. Business continuity is front of mind for many businesses, and supply chains will need to flex to accommodate dramatically different demand and working conditions as we start to return to a ‘new normal’. From operations to workforce management, businesses face unprecedented challenges. Back in March 2020, we launched an international survey to hundreds of the companies that we work with.

In this concise report, we outline the key trends across a number of sectors and geographies uncovering how organisations prepared and responded to the global coronavirus pandemic – providing an insightful view on how to be better prepared for the unexpected. So, what have we learnt from these unprecedented times that can better equip us for the future?

Collaboration is key for business continuity planning

There is a high level of confidence that organisations have visibility to the risks and credible mitigation plans in place, and this is largely consistent across regions and sectors.

The level of supply chain collaboration to mitigate against COVID 19 impacts is relatively low however. Organisations have typically informed their supply chains of the actions they are taking to maintain business during COVID 19, but have stopped short of engaging actively to secure supply. This represents a risk that is worth note. Lack of supply chain engagement or supply chain visibility is a common culprit in magnifying the impact of disruptions. Organisations that have a clear view and collaborative approach to supply base management often fare better in crises. They are also able to return to normal business more effectively when the crisis passes.


Download a copy of the full report for a more in depth breakdown of our findings

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