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Supplier information supports business decisions

As a Purchasing, Supply Chain or Vendor Management professional you are faced with the challenges of managing data, compliance and risk across increasingly global and multi-tier supply chains. Our products and services are modular and can be combined and configured to reflect the risk management needs of specific organisations, sectors and professional perspectives.

We offer a supplier performance management module that supports your teams in systematically reviewing and monitoring supplier performance on contracts. You can share access to this tool with selected colleagues to enable a collaborative review and improvement process. Our pre-qualification programmes also include tracking and alert functionality, which means you can follow your existing suppliers and get updates of any change in their status or data e.g. financial status, audit scores, insurance cover or questionnaire responses.

Supporting your risk management objectives

Whether your focus is compliance with legislation or corporate policies, the need to consolidate supplier data after a period of acquisitions or a requirement to improve the performance of your purchasing systems through an accurate data feed, we have a range of solutions to help. Our risk management solutions reduce cost and effort, allowing purchasing teams to focus on other high value and strategic purchasing activities.

Global solutions and support

We helps businesses to identify and manage potential risks in their supply chain in order to protect people, planet and profit. We identify, qualify, evaluate and monitor suppliers on behalf of some of the world’s largest corporations and carry out thorough verification of data through assessments and audits.