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WEBINAR: COVID-19 Exposes Cyber Security Threats

WEBINAR: COVID-19 Exposes Cyber Security Threats

13 May 2020 - Online

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As COVID-19 disrupts business as usual activities, gaps in cyber security are being exposed as millions work from home and new coronavirus-themed phishing scams are worming their way in, taking advantage of vulnerabilities in home office firewalls. We will explore how COVID-19 exposes cyber security threats and how this is affecting global supply chains.

In this webinar we are joined by guest speaker Ruby Pope, Head of Marketing and Strategy, at Darkbeam will take us though:

  • Why are cyber attacks via the supply chain on the rise
  • How to benchmark suppliers’ cyber security standards
  • What cyber security assurances you should expect from your suppliers
  • How to embed cyber threat monitoring in your existing procurement lifecycle

and Tom Huckle, Cyber Incident Response and Investigations, Marclay Associates who will discuss:

  • Emphasising the basics of cyber attacks
  • The biggest risk factor in home working
  • How to avoid attacks and remain cyber secure without the in-office infrastructure


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