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StartBANK Connect – Meet the Members

StartBANK Connect – Meet the Members

21 Nov 2019 - Bergen, Norway

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This event has already happened. Don’t miss out again by checking out all our upcoming events

Oh no! This event has already happened. Don’t miss out again by checking out all our upcoming events

Join us at our next StartBANK Connect on the 21st November in Bergen and have the opportunity to make vital first contact with key buyers with the ultimate goal of helping you network and build meaningful relationships.

During the event you will have the opportunity to meet with leading industry speakers on how they use StartBANK and how it provides better control over the supply chain. Book your place today, as we only have limited places.


08:00 – Registration and Networking

08:30 – Industry presentation, TBC

08:50 – StartBANK – Carsten Krøger

09:10 – Buyers use of StartBANK – Veidekke / Laila Grøtte Gjørva, Purchasing Manager in District, Bergen

09:30 – Buyers use of StartBANK – Implenia Norway / Bogna Aadnevik, Head of Strategic Procurement

09:50 – Buyer presentation TBC

10:10- Networking and 1 to 1 meetings with buyers

11:00 – End

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