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Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems

Online Course

Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems

The Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) course is designed to provide delegates with an understanding of the requirements for awarding compliant frameworks agreements and DPS.

In addition, the regulatory requirements for using other authorities’ frameworks means clear understanding is needed not just of the buyer’s requirements but also of the restrictions of use associated with framework agreements established by other contracting bodies in order to reduce the risk of challenge.

Who should attend

This course is aimed at procurement practitioners, contract managers, compliance managers and operational stakeholders, who need to understand the legal requirements in respect of the awarding compliant frameworks and DPS, and effectively calling contracts in a legal manner via these methods. Many involved in the procurement process are likely to be impacted frameworks, whether involved in the procurement of the framework itself, the award of a call off contract, or the management of a framework agreement, therefore this course is suitable not only for those new to procurement but also those who need to update their knowledge of frameworks and DPSs under the 2014 Directives.


  • Introduction to Frameworks and DPSs
  • Relevance of Regulated Procurement Rules and the Treaty Principles
  • Key rules for Frameworks and DPSs
  • Key differences between Frameworks and DPSs
  • Who can use a Framework or DPS
  • Awarding Frameworks and DPSs
  • Considerations for Contracts Finder
  • Awarding contracts under a Framework or DPSs
  • Issues resulting in using other authorities Frameworks
  • Risk of legal challenge
  • Ineffectiveness
  • Case law

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