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Posts by category
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- Category: News Releases
- Achilles führt eine neue App ein, die es Lieferanten erleichtert, ihre Nachhaltigkeitsleistung zu verwalten
- Achilles lanserar ny app för att göra det enklare för leverantörer att hantera hållbarhetsprestanda
- أخيل تطلق تطبيقًا جديدًا لتسهيل إدارة أداء الاستدامة على الموردين
- Storm Technologies Partners with Achilles for Enhanced Supply Chain Performance and Risk Mitigation
- Achilles & BDO India Collaborate for BRSR Core Compliance
- Achilles welcomes Peter Schellenberger as its newest Brand Ambassador
- Achilles simplifies supplier audit requirements across Construction, Rail and Utilities with introduction of new comprehensive Infrastructure Audit
- Free to attend Toitū Carbon Reduce conference returns 20 June 2023 to support UK business achieve Net Zero goals
- Pallavi Sidhra joins the Achilles Ambassador team to support shipping GHG emissions goals
- Achilles Wins Supply Chain Solutions Multinational of the Year Award
- Forced Labour: unlocking persistent risks
- Dr Darren Mann joins Achilles Ambassador team
- Tony Underwood appointed as ambassador for Achilles Information Ltd
- Achilles helps customers save 97 thousand tonnes of CO2 and wins climate action award for a second consecutive year
- Achilles Information Ltd appoints new Chief Financial Officer
- Dr Karin Tynelius appointed as an Ambassador
- Achilles appoints new Chief Executive Officer Paul Stanley to succeed Jay Katzen as CEO
- Achilles appointed by FirstGroup to manage supply chain risk across the portfolio
- Achilles wins international climate action award
- Global sustainability priorities in the supply chain
- Achilles working with the UK’s number one car park operator NCP
- Bridgepoint to acquire Achilles
- Global Sustainability Priorities Survey
- Health and Safety Trends Report
- Category: Product Updates
- Category: Report
- Category: Whitepapers
- The Ultimate Guide to Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (Bill S-211)
- A Review of the UK Procurement Bill
- Your guide to creating safer, ethical more efficient supply chains.
- Category Management 101
- Transforming Public Procurement: The UK’s Government response to the Green Paper
- Worker exploitation: policy versus practice
- Green Energy Whitepaper: The Winds of Change for the Energy Industry
- Identifying, mitigating and managing supply chain disruptions
- Quality Management and CSR, an ideal partnership | Whitepaper
- Conflict Minerals 2021: The impact of new EU legislation
- Beyond Brexit – A Guide to International Opportunity
- Reform of Public Procurement Law after Brexit
- Handling supply chain disruption – is agile procurement the key?
- How to prevent modern day slavery?
- Modern Slavery during a pandemic: exploitation in a crisis
- Procurement Crystal Ball – Where to after Brexit?
- Raising health and safety standards in new renewable energy projects: a key step towards future growth
- Helse- og sikkerhetsstandardene heves i fornybarprosjekter: et viktig skritt mot fremtidig vekst
- Tre ting nye fornybarprosjekter kan lære fra olje og gass
- Three lessons new renewable energy projects can learn from oil and gas
- Paul Stanley
- Phil Scott
- Nicolas Avellaneda
- Katie Ferrier
- Klaus Kraemer
- Smitha Shetty
- Eva Ursula Lezcano
- Manish Patel
- Chris Kiely
- Mark Chamberlain
- Hayley van Leeuwen
- Tim Bridgland
- Gavin Partridge
- Adam Whitfield
- Isobel Davies
- Fermin Diez Perez
- Innovation in Supply Chain Sustainability Processes
- Best Practices for Navigating Evolving Risks in Global Supply Chains
- Supply Chain Resilience Index
- CRSD White Paper
- Bill S211 Whitepaper
- Apenhetsloven Whitepaper
- Lieferkettengestz Whitepaper
- An introduction to Supply Chain Due Diligence Best Practice
- EU CSDDD Whitepaper
- BRSR Whitepaper
- The Complete Guide to Supply Chain Due Diligence in the Energy Sector
- Responsible Sourcing
- Risk Management
- Procurement Strategy Summit VIC | Australia
- Building Sustainable Steel Supply Chains: From Compliance to Competitive Advantage
- Bridging the gap between C-suite and worksite: Modern Slavery in the Construction Industry
- Navigate the CSDDD Landscape: Evolving Legislation & Supply Chain Transparency
- Achilles at Mint Sustainability Summit 2024
- Round table: Addressing Supply Chain Challenges in the Shipping Industry
- Mining Sustainability: A Roundtable on Sustainability, Compliance & Supply Chain Resilience
- International Mining and Resources Conference + EXPO
- ProcureCon Asia
- Insights from Smitha Shetty on Navigating the Evolving Landscape of ESG in India
- Is your business ready for BRSR Core?
- Enabling a just transition to net zero in the energy industry
- Your Journey to Net Zero: Moving organisations beyond Greenstalling
- ProcureCon Australia
- Gartner Supply Chain Symposium and Expo
- Navigating Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation in Asia: Insights, Challenges and Future Trends
- Sustainability Session 1 | Solution Day LkSG: Tools and Services for Procurement.
- UVDB Powered by Achilles Supplier Event: The Procurement Act 2023
- Achilles Live: BUILDING BHARAT : Driving Sustainability in the Indian Cement Value Chain
- Supplier Assurance: Driving Excellence in Rail & Infrastructure
- Navigating Supply Chain Risks in Mining
- Unleashing Innovation in Supply Chains: Navigating the Future
- The Procurement Summit
- ONS Norway
- The Procurement Bill: How to win (or not lose) work under the new procurement regime
- Achilles Live: Delivering Sustainability in the Australian Construction Industry
- Achilles Live: Navigating new European Supply Chain Diligence Requirements
- Achilles Live: Breakfast briefing – Regulations impacting Colombian export markets
- Achilles Live: Carbon Reduce 2023
- Achilles FPAL Buyer Workshops
- Webinar: Crucial techniques to master transparency and assurance in supply chain management
- BuildingConfidence Membership Level Features and Prices
- Insights and Reporting
- Pre-qualification Questionnaires
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- Management System Audit
- Supply Chain Mapping
- Conflict Minerals
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- Regulated Procurement Academy | The New Regime Procurement Act 2023
- Direct Award
- Case Law
- Awarding Concessions Contracts
- Selection and Award
- Awarding Framework Call-Off Contracts
- Notice Completion
- Less Regulated Procurement
- Commercial Aspects for Procurement
- Introduction to Remedies
- Category Management
- E-Learning Course: Carbon Reduction and Achieving Net Zero
- Specification Writing
- Pre-Procurement Engagement
- Criteria and Tender Evaluation
- Reform of Regulated Procurement Law
- Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems
- Negotiation in the Public Sector
- Contract Management
- Achilles Academy | Environmental Social Governance Training Course
- Procurement for Non-Procurement
- Introduction to Terms and Conditions
- Introduction to Regulated Procurement
- Reform of Public Procurement Law: What the Suppliers Need to Know