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An introduction to the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS DDD)

An introduction to the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS DDD)

The European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive is a significant development in the European Union’s approach to supply chain regulation.

When it comes into force, this Directive will require companies to implement effective supply chain due diligence processes to prevent and mitigate negative human rights, environmental and climate impacts. The Directive will be phased in by the EU after its ratification, with each Member State enforcing the Directive with their relevant regulators.

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive has been working its way through several readings in the European Parliament and has now been approved by the European Parliament. Whilst we know which organisations it will impact and its scope, there is still a degree of ambiguity about how it will be implemented at national level across the EU and what that will mean to those organisations (and their suppliers) that need to comply.

What it covers

This white paper is intended to provide a helpful summary of what we know so far. We will be keeping it updated as more information emerges. It includes:

  • An overview of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and what it encompasses
  • The relationship between CSDDD and other legislation like the German Lieferkettengesetz and Norwegian Åpenhetsloven.
  • Why CSDDD is important.
  • Which organisations need to comply.
  • The obligations for companies and directors.
  • The CSDDD reporting requirements.
  • Penalties for non compliance.
  • Benefits and challenges of compliance.
  • Practical guidance on how to get started.

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