Real-time supply chain insights to reduce risk, ensure compliance, and promote supplier sustainability performance.
La piattaforma Achilles Analytics
Achilles Analytics streamlines reporting and analysis for procurement, compliance, and risk management teams. Get real-time insights into suppliers’ performance and verify their compliance with key regulations. Filter suppliers by specific criteria and identify those with the best or worst performance using metrics such as Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 carbon emissions. Share accurate results with stakeholders to meet transparency requirements.
“By centrally collecting, maintaining and analyzing supplier data in a comprehensive qualification platform, we will gain a more holistic view of our supply chain risks. This will allow us to proactively focus our resources and work with our suppliers, as part of our procurement strategy, to develop a more sustainable supply chain and increase procurement agility across the Group.”
Get a clear and immediate overview of your supply chain performance. Track supplier performance using the Achilles Sustainability Score, find suppliers flagged on watchlists, and review recent audit results, all in one place. Stay informed and take action when it matters most.
Anticipate the impact that political unrest, climate events, and regional disruptions could have on your supply chain. Gain insight into country-specific risks so you can address challenges before they escalate and keep your business resilient and secure.
Get an overview of your supply chain’s sustainability performance. The ESG dashboard provides an overview of suppliers’ overall sustainability performance, as well as detailed information on environmental, social, and governance metrics. Identify areas of strength, such as high social scores, and identify potential weaknesses, such as lower governance scores or specific risks.
Check the compliance status of your suppliers with customizable monitoring. You can quickly see which suppliers are flagged as green, amber or red for the issues you care about and track changes over time. Access individual supplier profiles to assess specific issues and use the dashboard to see how many suppliers do or do not meet your requirements. With the ability to create custom compliance scores, you’ll have a clear, personalized overview of your supply chain performance.
The Achilles scorecard provides real-time updates and dynamically adjusts a provider’s score as new information is added or removed. Focusing on changes over the past 30 days, it highlights trends such as declines in governance scores due to the expiration of certifications, while other areas, such as social issues, remain strong. Users can explore individual profiles to track the evolution of scores, enabling them to make timely decisions and proactively manage risk.
Easily identifies which suppliers proactively manage their carbon footprint – Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Identify the leaders, laggards and those who emit the most. For suppliers who have not yet measured their carbon footprint, you can view data from the Achilles Carbon Calculator to support annual reporting and understand the impact of your supply chain.
Make reporting season easier and more efficient with a dashboard customized to the broader regulatory and disclosure requirements you need, including Monies Act, BRSR Core, CSRD, CSDD, and LKSG. Achilles Analytics allows users to customize data visualizations in dashboards and generate detailed reports in line with global regulatory standards, all from a single source of validated supply chain data.
Find out what industry leaders and global publications are saying about Achilles Analytics
Achilles, a provider of supply chain risk and performance management solutions, has announced the launch of Achilles Analytics, a new tool that will enable organizations to meet the growing needs of supply chain sustainability reporting and compliance.
Achilles, a global leader in supply chain risk and performance management, has launched Achilles Analytics, an advanced web-based tool that enables companies to accurately monitor sustainability and compliance metrics.
The driving force behind the development of Achilles Analytics is the growing need for rigorous and transparent reporting mechanisms in line with global sustainability standards.
Come Achilles Analytics può supportare la tua azienda
Anticipa i rischi dei fornitori per proteggere la tua azienda
Evita interruzioni costose e danni reputazionali rilevando i rischi prima che si aggravino. Dall’instabilità finanziaria alle violazioni normative e alle problematiche di sostenibilità, ottieni informazioni tempestive sulle potenziali minacce, così da poter agire in modo proattivo e mantenere resiliente la tua catena di fornitura.
Monitora le prestazioni di sostenibilità dei fornitori con sicurezza
Assicurati che i tuoi fornitori rispettino gli impegni ESG grazie a una visione in tempo reale delle tendenze di sostenibilità. Segui i progressi, confronta i dati con gli standard di settore e identifica le aree di miglioramento, per promuovere cambiamenti concreti e rafforzare la resilienza della tua catena di fornitura.
Colma le lacune nei dati dei fornitori per garantire la conformità
Evita rischi normativi e inefficienze anticipando certificazioni mancanti, registrazioni scadute e dichiarazioni ESG non verificate. Gli avvisi automatici su fallimenti di audit, copertura mediatica negativa o dati obsoleti ti aiutano a intervenire rapidamente e a mantenere la conformità con sicurezza.
Rimani conforme man mano che le normative evolvono
Adattati facilmente ai requisiti normativi in continua evoluzione. Achilles Analytics ti aiuta a monitorare la conformità dei fornitori, ad adeguarti alle nuove normative e a ridurre i rischi normativi senza difficoltà.
Sfrutta insight basati sui dati per decisioni più intelligenti
Elimina il fastidio della raccolta manuale dei dati con report preconfigurati che coprono aree di rischio chiave come ESG, prestazioni finanziarie e conformità. Esporta facilmente i dati in formato CSV/XLS per un’analisi fluida e un’integrazione ottimale con altri set di dati, così da prendere decisioni strategiche informate con sicurezza.
Rafforza il coinvolgimento dei fornitori e la conformità
Migliora la comunicazione per evitare ritardi nelle qualificazioni, ridurre i rischi e garantire la conformità. Identifica rapidamente i fornitori con informazioni scadute o incomplete per colmare le lacune e rispettare i requisiti critici.
Scopri come Achilles Analytics semplifica la gestione dei fornitori, riduce i rischi e supporta decisioni più intelligenti. Richiedi una demo oggi stesso.