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Dr Darren Mann joins Achilles Ambassador team

Dr Darren Mann joins Achilles Ambassador team

21 Feb 2023

Achilles Information Ltd is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Darren Mann as an Achilles Ambassador.

Dr Mann is a general and military surgeon with over thirty years’ experience of leading trauma surgery and healthcare crisis management teams around the globe, including working in conflict zones and natural disasters.  He has spent most of his career in Asia and has worked in the civilian sector as Flight Surgeon with Hong Kong’s flagship airline.  Darren returned to the UK to assist the national response to the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, initially as a Medical Director within the Nightingale Hospital Taskforce.  This programme achieved expansion of National Health Service (NHS) ventilated-patient capacity by an additional 10,000 beds through the creation of temporary hospital facilities by adaptation of existing structures such as exhibition centres.  When the pandemic first wave hit the UK, Darren was appointed as Medical Director to UK Government National Pandemic Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Taskforce within the Cabinet Office and subsequently Department of Health and Social Care.  In the face of a global shortage of PPE, the requirement was to obtain essential products at scale during a period of fractured international supply chains.  Working with diplomatic, trade and logistics partners together with NHS procurement organisations, the imperatives were met by establishing a UK supply chain network larger than the two largest UK supermarkets combined, to manage 32 billion items of sourced PPE at a cost of £12 billion, supplied to a delivery network of 64,000 locations.  Commenting on the appointment, Darren said, “Recent global challenges have tested the security and integrity of supply chains.  I am delighted to be able to share my experience of healthcare logistics, procurement and supply chains with Achilles and its customers.”  Paul Stanley, Achilles CEO added, “I am excited that Dr Mann is joining our Ambassador team.  Darren brings a unique perspective on developing ethical and sustainable supply chains in the most testing of conditions when the results are of the upmost importance.  I am sure that Achilles and our customers will learn much from his experience.”

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