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Achilles helps customers save 97 thousand tonnes of CO2 and wins climate action award for a second consecutive year

Achilles helps customers save 97 thousand tonnes of CO2 and wins climate action award for a second consecutive year

26 Jan 2023

Achilles, the global leader and partner of choice for ethical and sustainable supply chains, is demonstrating its commitment to a net zero future, both for the organisation and its customers, enabling more every year to achieve their own carbon reduction targets with a notable increase of 144% in Achilles’ Carbon Reduce Programme members in the past 2 years.

In the last 12 months, the Achilles Carbon Reduce Programme has also helped its members to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions by a significant 97,411 tonnes CO2-e, which is the equivalent of 48,700 cars travelling 7,600 miles per annum. To offset this amount without reduction, Achilles customers would have had to plant over 4.8 million trees within one year – making the reduction a colossal feat for climate action.

To complement this achievement, Achilles has also won the international ‘Toitū Brighter Future Award 2022 for Climate Action’ for the second consecutive year.

The Toitū Brighter Future Awards are unique in that each category has data-based criteria by which their members are judged by. To qualify, the winners must have at least 2 years of comparable emissions. Performance is judged on greatest percentage change in absolute total emissions (all scopes, tCO2e) comparing the latest year certified as of June 2022 to the respective prior year, provided the finalists is also showing a reduction compared to base year.

This year, Toitū have selected Achilles Information Ltd as the winner of the Climate Action Award as a biggest reduction in the Medium Organisation category and having achieved a reduction on emissions (all scopes, tCO2e) compared to 2021.

Achilles continues to ‘walk the walk’ and demonstrate its commitment to a sustainable future through managing and reducing carbon emissions across its operational activities – and importantly – enabling its customers to do the same.

Austin Hansell, Carbon Product Manager at Toitū Envirocare commented, “We are recognising the organisations from the various Toitū Envirocare programmes making a significant impact in environmental sustainability.  Achilles is actively working to reduce its impact and with businesses across the UK.

Hansell continued, “The Toitū Brighter Future Awards are judged on impact, not public voting, with the winners scientifically proven to be making a positive difference to the world around them. It’s simply progress. We are the currency by which businesses can forge change – and have the means to do so when certified under our programmes. No business will ever be perfect and we have to keep improving, so these awards help acknowledge the milestones.”

Achilles Chief Executive, Paul Stanley commented “Climate action is one of the most important challenges of our generation. Our people work with passion and commitment every day to help our customers address carbon reduction and meet their ESG goals.  Showing leadership within our own business is vital for our credibility and for our planet”.

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About Toitū Envirocare

Toitū Envirocare leads positive change through a system of science based environmental programmes. We are a team of scientists and business experts who have come together to protect the ecological and economic future of this place, catalysing action for a zero-carbon future.

Based on science and backed by evidence, our Toitū carbonreduce, Toitū net carbonzero, Toitū climate positive and Toitū enviromark certification programmes give organisations the tools to reduce their carbon emissions and environmental impact. We also help with setting science-based targets, scope and boundary assessments, value chain screening, and carbon inventory verifications. Initially developed for New Zealand business needs, our programmes now serve more than 600 clients worldwide. Wholly owned by Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, a Crown Research Institute, our origins are in science, but our future is in the sustainability of our economy, our people, and our land.

Since 2019 Toitū Envirocare has been a Certified B Corporation®. We are committed to being a business that not only acts as a power for good but does no harm. Through our impact business model, we empower other organisations to improve environmental performance, but within our own business we have taken specific steps to ensure we are improving our performance. So far, we have scored particularly well on customer and staff care. We aim to improve our scores at every future certification. We are also active in the B Corp Community working on supporting other B Corps to take meaningful, science-based climate action

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