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Exclusive benefits

We’ve negotiated a range of discounts and benefits, just for our members.

As a valued supplier and member of our community, we’re offering your company exclusive access to discounts, offers and benefits with a range of our partners*. It’s our way of making sure you get the most from your subscription and a small token to thank you for your loyalty.

We’ve been working with suppliers around the world for almost 30 years and we value each and every one of you. That’s why we’re keen to offer more for your money by not only helping you to increase compliance and win new opportunities, but to also save money on the services you use every day. Our Rewards programme offers reductions with a range of business service, training, cybersecurity and event providers in supply chain and procurement. Login, using your platform credentials, to download your unique code and start saving money.

On average, a small Achilles supplier, using just a couple of these benefits can save £2,500. This is 5x the cost of a standard Achilles subscription. Time to get started, take advantage of the great offers.

Join a community


Offers on products, services and events that help drive performance and improve sustainability.


68% of workers say training and development is the most important workplace policy.

A range of training offers covering all the key aspects of working safely and efficiently across the European Union. From health and safety to procurement legislation, the courses available will help your company to meet its legal duty and protect your employees – making sure everyone makes it home each night.


The Public Sector now requires cyber certification from suppliers as defending the UK against attacks cost businesses £34bn per year.

Over the past few years,the importance of cybersecurity has continued to grow. It was found that 70% of SMEs in the UK had a security breach in 2015 with significant costs at stake to fix them. Your company can benefit from discounts with cybersecurity insurance, training and accreditation services.


Use of corporate travel agents is proven to save companies between 15-20% off their total travel spend.

Whatever the size of your business, services such as web design and corporate events are essential to the smooth operating and optimisation of day-to-day activities. With offers on travel agencies and digital marketing strategy, Achilles Rewards makes managing regular business functions more affordable.

Don’t miss out

It’s our way of saying thank you for your continued loyalty. Your company can benefit from great discounts with our partners.

* Achilles Rewards is currently only available in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
We’ll soon be launching the programme across the rest of Europe and Southern America.

(c) 2017 Egencia. All rights reserved