Find your Network
Our networks bring together the world’s most highly qualified suppliers with market leading buyers. Connecting those working in the same regions and industries, sharing the same risk management and sustainability goals.
Hev din virksomhet og utvid din markedsandel med Achilles – den globale standarden innen leverandør forhåndskvalifisering, ESG-risikostyring av forsyningskjeden og revisjon.
Achilles provides detailed data validation alongside desk and site audits and worker interviews to enable suppliers to demonstrate superior ESG credentials and give buyers unrivalled supply chain confidence.
Achilles in-depth data validation, extensive audit services and ESG scoring enable you to demonstrate superior supplier credentials, drive improvement and provide greater customer confidence.
Open up new opportunities with market-leading organisations and take the hard work out of tracking down new prospects in your sector. Get tender alerts matched to your products and services.
Simplify your pre-qualification and tendering process. Complete one questionnaire, pay one fee and gain access to the buyers you want to reach.
Achilles is trusted by the world’s biggest brands across the highest risk and most regulated industry sectors including construction, energy, manufacturing, transport and utilities.
Our networks bring together the world’s most highly qualified suppliers with market leading buyers. Connecting those working in the same regions and industries, sharing the same risk management and sustainability goals.
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Route 2
Around 2,500 tender opportunities are published in the Official European Journal (OJEU) and Find A Tender Service (FTS) every week, but identifying which ones are of interest can be hard. Supplier NOTiCE provides a simple solution to track both databases, particularly when compared to the cost of advertising for business.