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Apenhetsloven Whitepaper

EU CSDDD Whitepaper

Achilles Statement of Limited Assurance

Empowering Responsible Finance The Achilles’ Statement of Limited Assurance provides…

Ansvarlig sourcing

As more organisations adopt responsible sourcing practices, key to their success is applying those principles across the supply chain. We bring together buyers and suppliers who want to measure, assess, prove and improve their sourcing credentials.


Without the right supplier data at your fingertips, it becomes a lot harder to react effectively and build supply chain resilience.

Helse og sikkerhet i leverandørkjeden

The safety of your working environment doesn’t just affect the quality of your outputs, it is a direct reflection of your company’s culture and values.

Supply Chain Governance

As the connection between thousands of suppliers and buyers, we know the headaches the auditing process can cause – from both sides. Using this experience, we’ve created a process that’s both standardised and specialised.

Etisk leverandørkjedestyring

We help you ensure your suppliers are complying with international law and conducting business ethically. Helping eradicate corruption and conflict minerals. Having the reassurance that all workers on your projects are protected.

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability management is not just the right thing to do, it is an increasingly important benchmark of success. Helping to capture and validate the right kind of social and environmental data from both your own organisation and your suppliers.


Endringer i risikolandskapet fører til at cyberangrep er nå mer fremtredende enn noensinne. Ditt selskap kan koble data med leverandører. Men hva skjer hvis en leverandør blir hacket?

Økonomisk risikostyring i leverandørkjeder

We give you the oversight needed to spot potential issues, come up with contingency plans and ensure you never suffer any costly disruption.