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wind turbine in a corn field and blue sky

Vi ser en sterk vekst blant våre leverandører som støttes av Achilles.

Anna Campi, Head of Procurement Planning, Control & Vendor Management, ERG


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The PEMEX logo stands out with its unique design and carefully crafted composition. The central element is a stylized oil drop, inside which the profile of an eagle is visible. The drop is rendered in a rich red color, symbolizing energy, strength, and passion. The eagle is depicted in motion, its profile complemented by horizontal lines that evoke movement, speed, and progress associations. These details highlight the company’s drive for development and its focus on the future. The lines within the drop resemble streams or wind, linking the image to the natural forces involved in oil and gas extraction.

Below the drop is the company name, presented in a large, confident font in green. This shade symbolizes the connection to natural resources and emphasizes the company’s commitment to environmental responsibility. The font features clean lines and slightly rounded corners, making the text bold yet approachable. The letter “M” stands out with its central part, which resembles an inverted “V” with additional lines that provide stability and emphasize the uniqueness of the visual mark.

The name is an abbreviation of the Spanish “Petróleos Mexicanos,” which translates to “Mexican Petroleum.” This highlights the company’s national origin and its key role in Mexico’s energy sector development. The red and green colors echo the country’s national symbols, reinforcing the association with national pride.
Orsted chooses Achilles for ESG supply chain management


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Global Energy Network Achilles

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