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Smitha Shetty

Regional Director, APAC

Role at Achilles

Being the first employee of Achilles India, Smitha started the journey from 1 to 100+ employees to become the first service hub supporting customers across UKI, USA and APAC. Her role allows her to build a team which can deliver excellent customer experience and contribute to product improvement to meet the regional demands.

Smitha says “I am proud to be part of Achilles and the purpose which ensures that companies can build a safe work environment for our people and sustainable future for generations to come. I am very excited to see APAC focusing on net zero and sustainability across their supply chain and looking forward to becoming a partner in this journey by using our 30+ years of experience in this domain. Achilles has a lot of opportunity to help APAC suppliers and buyers to onboard on this exciting journey and provide data insights to help them make better informed decisions across the organisation.”

Lessons from the past

Smitha started as a door-to-door sales executive during her college days – something she describes as “not the easiest of beginnings”, but it prepared her for her 18 years of experience across customer lifecycle management, operational excellence and strategic leadership and building two start-ups (Achilles India being one of them).

Prior to joining Achilles, Smitha worked for international clients like American Express and Sky in her capacity as operations leader. She has played key roles in two major Data transition and system migration projects requiring continuous innovation and delivery against challenging deadlines. She also led Achilles India office for ISO 9001:2015 and got the company certified for the QMS in 2018.

Away from work

Smitha loves travelling and exploring new places with her family. She enjoy cooking while listening to some good music. She is a trained classical dancer and loves dancing with her 4-year-old daughter the most. For Smitha, nothing can replace the happiness of some quality time with her little girl.

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