منصة الكل في واحد لتحليل سلسلة التوريد وإعداد التقارير في الوقت الفعلي

باستخدام Achilles Analytics، يمكنك بسهولة تحديد المخاطر المحتملة في سلسلة التوريد الخاصة بك وتتبع الموردين بكفاءة في الوقت الفعلي. وهذا يُمكِّن الشركات من اتخاذ قرارات أسرع ومستنيرة بشأن الموردين الذين يجب العمل معهم. تتيح لك منصة التحليل وإعداد التقارير الخاصة بنا إمكانية التعمق في أداء الموردين من مختلف جوانب سلسلة التوريد.


Enabling Proactive Decision-Making

Find everything you need to know about your suppliers – and potential alternative suppliers – in one place. Quickly search through prequalification, compliance, and financial details for both current and alternative suppliers. Achilles Analytics allows you to confidently report to stakeholders with advanced insights on real-time supply chain data.

Drive Compliance

Generate data and reports to support disclosures and evidence for stakeholders, regulators, ensuring transparency, compliance and boosting credibility in operations.

Gain Actionable Insights

Analyse trends to identify the impact of your procurement strategy enabling proactive adjustments and optimisations where needed.

Monitor Onboarding

Monitor your suppliers onboarding progress for stronger collaboration and communication.

 10 hours of networking

Analyse Audit Results

Review supplier audit outcomes to verify compliance and ensure quality standards are met across your supply chain.

Tom Jolly, Procurement Governance & Capability Manager at FirstGroup

“With centralised collection, maintenance and analysis of supplier data built into a comprehensive qualification platform we will gain a more holistic view of our supply chain risk. This will enable us to proactively focus our resource and work in collaboration with our suppliers, as part of our procurement strategy, to develop a more sustainable supply chain as well as increasing the agility of procurement across the Group.”


Analysis and Reporting Made Easy

Unlock the full potential of your supply chain with Achilles Analytics. Streamline your supplier management and achieve operational excellence, building a more resilient and sustainable supply chain.

Request a demo

Learn how Achilles Analytics can transform your supplier management process, allowing you to make confident decisions, mitigate risks, and achieve operational excellence. Contact us to learn more.